Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day

I don't usually do handmade Valentines for my girls. We usually trek to the store, they pick out a generic, themed box of cards, and we call it a day.
But this year, I saw SO many cute ideas, that I decided to give some of them a shot. I let Ella & Evie pick out the ones they wanted to try; I picked out Emory's which was MY favorite. ;)

Ella's choice was the Lip and Moustache lollipops. These were a big hit with her friends.
Ella's Valentines

Evie wanted the Butterfly lollipops.
Evie's Valentines
(I especially love her handwritten name. I can't believe she's starting Kindergarten next year!)

Emory's Valentine's turned out way cuter than I imagined them. I chose the Photo treat cards
Emory's Valentines
(I couldn't get a good shot without the glare)

And for Grandma & Grandpa, Nana & Pops, and my 2 sisters, we made Thumbprint Valentines
Girls' Valentines

Friday, February 4, 2011


I have some new projects that I've completed. They've been on my to-do list forever, but I just kept putting them off. I actually made some stuff for myself too.

Magnet boards
Cookie sheet magnet boards from A Crafty Moms Life

My girls love to draw pictures so I thought these would be a cute way for them to display some of their artwork. I bought my cookie sheets from Dollar Tree, my scrapbook paper from Hob Lob & I had the ribbon in my stash. So grand total was about $6!
I'm also going to make some clothespin magnets for hanging up artwork.

Earring holder
Earring Holder from Handmade Mommy

A very quick & easy earring holder. I already had the 5x7 picture frame & the ribbon. I spent about $1.50 for the paint & fabric.
Now that I have my room back, I'm changing the colors in my room to gray & turquoise. They're my new favorite color combo.

And my favorite project...
Fabric bolts
Mini fabric bolts from Smashed Peas & Carrots.

It is amazing how much more fabric I can fit on these shelves when my fabric is all neat and folded.
My dad also cut me some out of MDF that are great for my heavier fabrics, like minky dot and corduroy.